Dr. K is a company that specializes in the development and production of natural extracts (nutritional supplements) for women in the various stages of fertility and early parenthood. Dr. K’s extracts are based on the unique formulation and specialized professional knowledge of Ofelia Kanes, doctor of homeopathic medicine, which she acquired over thirty years of study, research and practice throughout the world. Ofelia Kanes works in partnership with her daughter Linoy Hoffman, who followed in her mother’s footsteps as a certified homeopath, doula and lactation consultant. Ms. Hoffman also trains pregnancy and birth professionals in the use of homeopathy in their practice
All of our formulas are unique, and their creation is based on a great amount of knowledge and experience. When we produce an extract, we invest the utmost thought and attention to ensure the quality of the raw materials and the final product. We formulate the remedy under the strictest conditions, with the utmost care for its quality.
Our products are made using the purest of natural materials in a special process that brings out the deepest medicinal properties of those materials, meticulously utilizing the ancient records and our many years of experience and knowledge. We are careful to create the most precise formula to guarantee maximum effectiveness.
Our women’s and baby’s line of products were born from a desire to enable more and more women to help themselves and their loved ones by using natural extracts and enjoying their great benefits during pregnancy, childbirth and caring for children, as part of a healthy lifestyle.
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